1. You cannot force a natural process. Denying the prevention of something is not forcing it to occur. For example, if I don’t let you build a dam, that is not me forcing the river to run. The natural process occurs, I cannot force it even if I wanted to. So that point is very incorrect.
2. I know women are more than incubators. I never said they were just incubators. Not sure why you feel the need to say this when it is quite obvious. So this is rather irrelevant.
3. You pivoted from “human” to “human body”. The “human body” is developing over a long period of years. None of us have a “human body” until our 20’s usually, because that is when development is complete. So that is irrelevant to the topic. The first stages of human development still count as being human. I advise against making arguments that are regurgitations of “some humans are more human than others”. That never worked well throughout history. They are human, believe the science and don’t be a science denier.