An altogether unsurprisingly vapid reason to consider this nation failed. Thank you for confirming my suspicion.

One has to wonder though, if there are 500 million guns, and they only kill about 60,000 per year, and a tiny percentage of those are from the random shootings that you and the other sensationalists focus on, that doesn’t seem like a very strong link. 500 million scary guns in the hands of demented gun-owners, but each gun has a 0.00012% chance of killing someone. Not a strong connection there. Seems that gun owners are more responsible than you give them credit.

Hector Guthrie
Hector Guthrie

Written by Hector Guthrie

I am a thinker and a writer. As a religious minority, a gender minority, a racial minority, and a political minority, I think I have something to say.

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