First, let’s remember your statement that I think is overblown. “the person murdered was obeying instructions to show their driver's license.”
None of what you shared, makes the claim that those killed by police were in this scenario, or remotely close.
But I did examine your articles and let’s assume that’s all correct. The number was 1,176. But it’s underreported so let’s double it. That is 2,352 deaths at the hands of police in a year. Now, how many of those accidentally spooked the cops by complying with orders and handing them their wallet? None of your articles say. But we can assume almost none, because if it were the case they would have included that juicy information.
How about the number of times a similar, but not exact scenario occurs? Again we don’t know, because none of your sources are backing your claim. But I did some digging so let’s make some assumptions in your favor.
Of the police killings, nearly all of them are armed with some type of weapon. So they don’t fit your “obeying instructions to show their driver's license” scenario you think happens with such frequency.
There are some unarmed scenarios though. And let’s pretend that every one of those scenarios is “obeying instructions to show their driver's license” and not any other dangerous scenario. Unarmed killings are reported as under 100 in a year. But let’s say 100. And they are undercounted so let’s double it to 200.
I have given you the benefit of the doubt with your own numbers, fair? And we arrive at 200 deaths per year of people “obeying instructions to show their driver's license”.
The US has a population of ~333 million people in the US. And police interactions with civilians are estimated to be around 50 million a year (give or take 10). That means that police are called to an incident, or initiate one on their own and about 50 million people have an encounter with the police. And 200 end up dying while “obeying instructions to show their driver's license”. That is .0004% of encounters where police kill someone completely innocent and get away with it. I don’t think you or any other reasonable person would say that a .0004% chance of something is frequent, or evidence that our police are “out of control” as you said. If you got mad .0004% of the time, no one would call you out of control, or even angry.
Again, this is accepting your numbers, and being generous with them. If I argued harder, it would be even less frequent. So, I think you believe it happens more frequently than it actually does. Unless you were just about to say that it happens .0004% of the time. I’m which case I have misjudged you.