If You’re on the Left, Please Answer Me This
You detest that American Indians were removed from their lands and given raw deals by? The government (from a particular party I might add).
You detest the institution of slavery which was legalized by? The government (from a particular party I might add).
You detest the confederacy which was? A government (from a particular party I might add).
You detest institutional racism that sprang up post slavery from? The government (from a particular party I might add).
You detest corporatism. Which are not businesses making profit, rather, it’s when businesses get special deals with? The government.
You detest all these things, which all occur through government involvement. You detest the history not of this country, but of its government playing favorites and picking winners and losers. You don’t hate business, but when businesses cut deals with governments.
Your real grievance is with the government, and somehow, you’ve been tricked into thinking that all these evils came from the hands of white males, how foolishly vague. It was not white males, it was government power, specifically the abuse of government power.
This part is the most baffling, not only have you shrugged responsibility of the actual culprit of all you detest, but your solution is to enlarge government power, giving the government more power to pick winners and losers. You think that this time government will pick the right winners and the right losers. Somehow, despite its terrible record, those in government power will get it right. And you stick with the party that not only has the worst track record but insists on building more government power.
I don’t understand how your grievance is so misplaced, and how you believe that government is the answer.
Please enlighten me, I really want to understand.