I’ll be sure to watch the video, it’s saved in my queue. And I did not read your response in a negative tone. I hope mine came across the same way, though it is difficult through text.
You make very good points, and I agree that revolutions are very difficult to pull off, the Arab Spring being a great example. There are many factors to this. But I’ll return to the simple point I wish to convey: if ever militias fought the US government (again there are so many considerations such as scope, aims, the federal or regional government, a national or local form of tyranny, etc.) it’s highly unlikely that tanks, or jets, or massive bombs would be useful. In some scenarios, but not all, a well armed, well trained militia, could defeat some forms of tyranny. It is no guarantee, and some gun rights activists have unrealistic expectations in my opinion. But in the realm of possibilities, their success at resisting some form of tyranny is probable, in my opinion.