I’ll set aside your hyperbole yet again, and give you this to mull over. Though some conservatives do have ballistic backpacks, you must admit that is a tiny minority of people doing it. Most conservatives are in favor of adding security to school, whereas most progressives want to ban, or at least make it difficult, to buy certain rifles.
I’m theory they both address the issue. Even if you think one will work and the other won’t, which is exactly what conservatives think, they are trying to address the issue. They don’t want to sacrifice children as you suggest.
In the Nashville scenario though there are some more things to consider. If we banned all the rifles you wish and only had pistols, the shooting could still have happened. The shooter did have a pistol. Let’s also say you banned magazines over 10 rounds, which is another common suggestion. The shooter only killed six people, which a 10 round magazine can achieve. A waiting period after purchase of one month, as many of you suggest, would not make a difference. The shooter had been planning and preparing for months. Red flag laws? The parents didn’t know she had guns in the home at all. Requirements to show proficiency? The shooter now just become more deadly when they attack the school. So far, nothing that your side has proposed would have stopped this attack.
Please do me the honor of entering an alternative universe where all the previously mentioned gun control laws were nation wide, and as we established, the shooting still happened. What would be the next move? All those laws did not prevent the next mass shooting? Where do we go from there?
From the conservative side however, securing schools has some promise. The shooter, in her manifesto, had identified two other possible schools to attack but decided against them because their security was too great. So this shooting would not have happened at this school if it had the same or similar security measures as the other two schools the shooter targeted. And before you protest that you don’t want schools to look like prisons, think about what you are saying. You don’t want to secure kids in school because it looks bad. Now who doesn’t care? (I think you do care, but look how easy it is to throw accusations like that)? Additionally, we secure airports, banks, many corporate offices, etc., and none of them look like prisons.
Maybe it wouldn’t work as well as we hoped. But stop sayin conservatives don’t care. Thanks intellectually immature.