This is a pretty sad response, but one I thought you would give.
1. Attempting to annihilate someone this not in and of itself bad. It depends on what you are trying to annihilate. If cockroaches want to eat you alive in your own home and annihilate you, that is bad. But if you want to annihilate cockroaches that enter your home, that is not the same thing, it is not the same moral level.
Wanting to annihilate Israel because they are Jews is bad, wanting ti annihilate terrorists is not. It’s not about the mode here, it’s how it is applied.
If you wish to annihilate nazism from the world, no one should call you bad. I hope I made this point clear. Israel’s goals and Hamas’ goals are the same, but one is evil and one is not. There is no comparison.
2. Palestinians are not philistines from biblical history. That is a very dumb thing to say. Most of these Palestinians are Arabs from Syria, Jordan, Egypt, etc.
3. Hamas doesn’t require a “willing dance partner” to exist. That is a complete misunderstanding of how terrorism works.
Hamas things their dance partner is the IDF, the EQUALLY think their dance partner is Jewish babies, youth, women, and other non-combatants. They put them all in the same bag.
It is not about Israel providing “dance partners” for Hamas, it’s about Hamas creating “dance partners” out of anything they don’t like, which is a lot. Stop trying to bail out the terrorists. The terrorism preceded Israel’s existence (not Hamas specifically, but terrorism).
Believing that terrorists would go away or turn away from terrorism if internet Israel stopped being so mean is a simplistic, childish view of that region and this conflict.